Category: Activity
Christmas Poinsettia
I designed this Poinsettia as a give-away Christmas trinket. My spouse Gloria, likes to share my “stuff” with her quilting club pals. She told me, “Make something red and green for Christmas .” “Like a poinsettia.” So I drew up a poinsettia in Fusion 360. Following a picture of a poinsettia I found on-line. It’s…
Gallery Update
I have been designing and prnting new 3D “stuff” like crazy. More than 90% 0f what I print is my original design. So that means I produce the first edition. If I produce a design I really like, it might be reprinted many times. I am proud it is my design and I am not…
No Laws Here
I struggled trying to get really nice 3D FDM prints. Just recently I discovered the errors in my way. I believed the “recommended” filament flow settings were accurate. They are not. At best a very rough starting point for the newbie. I laugh every time I see someone ask. “What settings do you use to…
Quantum Sewing
I try to design something new to print nearly every single day. It’s what I do and the reason for this hobby. For me it is not just about the printing. It’s seeing a new design become a real thing. My spouse is a quilter. Sewing is her thing. I support her the best I…
It’s Not About The Printer
Three dimensional printing in its entire scope, is not just about the printer. The same as photography is not about the camera. It’s about the photographs one creates. The hobby is not owning the tool but rather how you use the tool. Some people collect cameras. But that doesn’t make them a photographer. Owning a…
Speed Phreaks
I have figured out what is going on with the marketing of speed with 3D printers. The issue with the marketing departments is they cannot sell intangibles in their marketing efforts. A quality print output is a perception by human judgement. In the world of 3D printing, there are far too many variables that will…
Been cranking hard printing on my two newest 2 filament printers. The Snapmaker J1 and the Cetus2. Best of both flavors, IDEX and single nozzle. Neither, do I consider perfect a printer. Once I learned their individual weaknesses and work with their strengths, it has been all production and fun. Use them properly and 2…