Category: Snapmaker J1
I really have a workhorse 3D printer in my Snapmaker J1s. It’s an independent dual extruder FDM printer with a build area of 210x324x200 mm. Extruder temp range is up to 300 C and the bed is good to 100 C. That provides the ability to print a wide range of materials. As you can…
Been cranking hard printing on my two newest 2 filament printers. The Snapmaker J1 and the Cetus2. Best of both flavors, IDEX and single nozzle. Neither, do I consider perfect a printer. Once I learned their individual weaknesses and work with their strengths, it has been all production and fun. Use them properly and 2…
The Real Story of SMJ1
The Snapmaker J1 is not a perfect IDEX 3D printer, but it is a very good one. That’s my personal opinion. Online and FaceBook user forums are available and have a lot of interesting threads (stories) of user experience. But forums are not a good place to seek service or repairs when something goes wrong.…