I installed a set of 0.60mm extruders on my Snapmaker J1s. I have probably run at least 100 prints with these nozzles.
My goal has been to design larger print projects that will take advantage of the thicker and wider layers possible with the 0.6mm nozzle size. Print times are faster. The layering visibility is still quite acceptable.
Layer height choice depends on the project. I can go as low as 0.1 to 0.15 if I need high resolution and fine surface finish. The 0.6mm nozzle is great for printing in vase mode.
The truth is most projects don’t need a super smooth finish. My audience knows it is a 3D print and want to see the layers as part of the expectation. I don’t try to disguise how the item was made. I do want it to look good like it was intended to have that certain appearance.
I have no problem switching to the 0.40 extruders if that is the best choice for the project. With the J1s the entire extruder hot end head is changed. Not just the nozzle. It is an easy swap but the leveling process will need to be run after the exchange.
I have noticed the firmware in the printer can recognize which extruders are installed. The user display screen indicates both nozzle sizes at the top of the screen.
BTW, one does not change the entire hot end to replace a damaged nozzle. The nozzle itself is replaceable as on any standard hot end.
I see newbies screaming on the forums because they wrongly think one must purchase a $100 extruder pair if one has a plugged nozzle. No, Bubba, you change out the $1.00 nozzle.
But I don’t recommend converting your 0.40 mm pair into a 0.60 pair by just changing the nozzle. I can’t see a difference in the extruder head between this two sizes but there must be some communication to the OS as to what size extruder is installed. The brass nozzle itself isn’t doing the talking.
So, is bigger always better? The answer is NO. Correct size for the job is better. Only having one size available means one has no options.
I definitely appreciate have the option to use the correct nozzle size for the job.
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