Tiertime labels it just a CETUS2. It’s a two filament single nozzle FDM printer.
Tiertime sent me a used prototype Cetus2 a year ago. I won it in a contest for writing a New Year’s Resolution. I also had an expectation of still receiving a first edition release version as I had invested in the CETUS2 in a KickStarter campaign before winning the prototype.
The free (contest) machine did not affect my stats with my Kickstarter investment. The prototype is similar, but definitely a different printer than what was released as the first edition. So maybe it was a Cetus1.9 .
I quickly figured out how to use the UP Studio3 software and started making very nice prints with CETUS1.9
When the release version (Cetus2) arrived at my door, it was very easy for me to get up and running with the new printer and UP Studio3.
Tiertime rewrote some of the UP Studio3 code for the release version firmware of Cetus2, so running the prototype (Cetus1.9) hardware became impossible.
Later, Cetus2 support sent me a new replacement (CETUS2) for my now obsolete prize version. An expression of good will and not something I requested. I now have two very good CETUS2 printers.
There is nothing “broken” with Cetus2 and UPStudio3. Even the color “painting” and decal like Graphic surface applications work well. It delivers and fills the Kickstarter expectation of a working printer.
Tiertime next created free firmware update (I call CETUS2.1) to permit use of other slicer gcode to operate with CETUS. I can now use Cura, Simplify3D, PrusaSlicer and certainly others to send print files to Cetus. I have all the mentioned slicers personally working well with my CETUS2. This does not prevent the use of UPStudio3.
This gcode update was not offered as a fix for faulty CETUS2 hardware or UP Studio3 slicer software. It was to provide print OPTIONS to users who prefer using other slicers. Tiertime did promise CETUS2 would run on standard gcode, so it is a free update.
The latest version of CETUS, I will unofficially call CETUS2.2 requires the use of a Klipper Hardware Wand Server and a different Printer main OS board that is Klipper compliant
For customers who ordered and paid for a CETUS2 with a hardware WAND server… This is what you should receive or be upgraded to for no additional cost, if you received a CETUS2 with the old controller and suffered a delay in receiving the purchased hardware Wand Server.
HOWEVER… No one else (me) with a standard CETUS2 is entitled to receive a free update to a hardware WAND Server and new printer control board, just because this option has become available. That’s my opinion.
If you suffer a main board failure (under warranty) with the original CETUS2, this may be the time to consider moving to the Klipper system. Arrangements are between you and support.
I believe there is no automatic “entitlement” to be expected to update fully operational hardware when a new hardware is released.
Klipper may become the Standard Edition version of Cetus2. I don’t know. It’s my guess, as I see the low sale price of original version CETUS2.
Being first is cutting edge. I knowingly bought version one. Falsely claiming it doesn’t work is a lie to ones self and especially to everyone who knowns it does work and are fully aware what is being claimed is an entitlement ruse. It fools no-one. Clearly seeking personal gain (greed) by any means.
IF original CETUS2 main system boards ARE large scale faulty, and many failing under warranty (as mine have) this whole ruse posting may become a moot point. Perhaps then clairvoyance (or Quantum Entanglement) will be claimed.
I have the Klipper CETUS2.2 running well at the moment. The prints are no better, but perhaps the system will operate forever…
Too infinity and beyond…
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